The Children's Homer: The Adventures of Odysseus and The Tale of Troy
Padraic Colum
Florence T. Polatnick
1918 by Macmillan Publishing Company
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Into the heart of ancient Greece with Odysseus and Achilles, guided by the gods in bloody vengence against the Trojans . . . the giant wooden horse and victory for Odysseus . . . his perilous voyage home through the land of the Cyclopes . . . past Circe the Enchantress, past the six-headed serpent Scylla and the terrible Charybdis to reign again as King of Ithaka.
Homer's The Iliad and The Odyssey are retold, clearly and accurately, in a flowing continuity that makes two stories one. Mr. Colum's prose holds the rhythm, charm and warmth of the storyteller's voice. Essential in their poetry, supple in their telling these tales speak quickly and abundantly to children.
Thousands of adults first knew The Iliad and The Odyssey when, as children, they read Padraic Colum's masterful rendering of them. New reissued by popular demand, The Children's Homer, with the original drawings by Willy Pogany, is available once more, bringing the magic of Greek mythology to boys and girls today.
From the 1946 edition
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