The Children's Carol
Johanna Spyri
H. L. Hastings
Original language:
Helen B. Dole
1925 by Thomas Y. Crowell Company
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In Burgeln, a little village above Altdorf, in Switzerland, a tiny hut stood on the sloping hillside. Here lived an industrious widow with her two children, Basti and Franzeli. Since her husband's death the widow had made a desperate struggle for livelihood, but she always kept her children and home neat and clean. The boy is now but six years old, and the girl a year younger, but already they are seeking ways to help their mother. Fortunately for her and themselves, they are of happy dispositions and possess good voices. Their mother has taught them a pleasing carol for the New Year, and the children soon put the song to good use; for the mother through privation has become ill and weak. They had met with such success at the New Year's visits, that they decide to go out again, even though it is now summertime, and sing. At a tavern where some students are celebrating their holiday, the children sing their simple carol so winningly that their auditors are delighted. They obtain not only immediate help for their mother but lasting friends.
The many children who love Johanna Spyri's stories will need no second invitation to read this one. It is shorter than usual—just a little book, but excellently printed and with a good color plate by H. L. Hastings. It will make a good gift for the holidays or any other special occasion, fir it breathes the spirit of goodwill and neighborliness which knows no special season.
From the dust jacket
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