The Children of Noisy Village

Astrid Lindgren
Ilon Wikland
Original title:
Alla vi barn i bullerbyn (All About the Bullerby Children), later Bullerby Boken
Original language:
Florence Lamborn
1962 by Viking Press Inc
Fiction, Humor, Read Aloud
The Children of Noisy Village or The Six Bullerby Children
Series Number: 1
Current state:
This book has been evaluated and information added. It has been read but content considerations may not be complete.
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Somewhere in Sweden there are three neighboring farms that everybody calls "noisy village" because six high-spirited nine-to eleven-year-olds live there: three boys, Karl, Olaf, and Bill; and three girls, Britta, Anna, and Lisa, who tells this story. Olaf's sister Kerstin in only a year and a half old, so naturally doesn't count.
The grown-ups of the three households and the community are vividly alive in Lisa's perceptive descriptions. Mr. Kind, the shoemaker, for instance, is not at all like his name—a real crank, in fact. And Grandfather, whom all the children love, they would "rather have than a dog."
But the children themselves are the principal players in all the delightful little dramas that fill their lives with interest and excitement. The episodes of country life sparkle with the fun that only resourceful, imaginative children without "ready-made" amusements can devise. Some incidents are almost outrageously funny, some are quiet; but every one is animated with the warmth and wisdom of happy childhood. Ilon Wikland's beautifully controlled line-drawings add distinction and flavor to a lovely book.
From the dust jacket
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