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Everybody knows how small objects disappear—the piece of indiarubber you left in the pencil-drawer; the match-box you tucked in the green vase; the half-inch of sealing-wax; studs, hairpins, paper-clips, safety-pins, odd gloves. . . . These things must be somewhere. But where? Mary Norton's book throws new light on this mystery.

Pod, Homily, and Little Arrietty belong to that seldom seen (but often heard) race of Borrowers. Even their names are not quite their own. They live under the floorboards of an old house. They have a sitting-room, a kitchen, a wash-room, three bedrooms, and countless store-rooms. But everything in their little home is 'borrowed'—from the cigar-box which is Arrietty's bedroom (with painted ladies on the ceiling) to the steel pins on which Homily knits their vests. Arrietty does not know about the great house above. For her the sky is brown with cracks in it. But one day she will have to be 'told.' Pod it is who does the 'borrowing,' risking his life each night that his family may be fed and clothed.

A child comes to stay with the ageing giants above—a boy with a screwdriver. And here the story begins: a scuffling drama of moonlight and firelight, where chair legs rear up to infinity and stairs are terraced clifts; where cats, terriers, gardeners, policemen, and sanitary inspectors combine to oust the tiny, harmless family.

How it all ends, and who saves them, the reader will find out in the exciting conclusion to this enticing wonderland story.

From the dust jacket 

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Mary Norton

Mary Norton

1903 - 1992
MARY NORTON (1903-1992) lived in England, where she was an actress, playwright, and award-winning author of The Borrowers books as well as Bed-Knob ... See more
Beth Krush

Beth Krush

1918 - 2009
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Joseph Krush

Joseph Krush

1918 -
Joseph Krush's illustrations for BOY HEROES OF CHAPULTEPEC add beautifully to the "south-of-the-border" flavor and spirit of this story. A graduate ... See more

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Common Sense Media

The Borrowers
Reviewed by Megan Potter
Classic tale a bit slow but retails its appeal...

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Kirkus Reviews

The Borrowers
This perfectly grand fairy story- an English import that won the Carnegie Medal for being the most outstanding children's...

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Plugged In

The Borrowers
The Borrowers are tiny people who hide inside human houses, unbeknownst to the inhabitants....

Read the full review on Plugged In