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Joey Ames had a problem. A big one. "He kicked the porch rail so hard he hurt his toe," but that wasn't his problem.

Today was his father's birthday and Joey had no present for him. That was Joey's problem, and he wrestled with it all day—a day in which he encountered several people (and a new-born fawn) who helped him learn that sometimes the best gifts are not wrapped in gaily colored paper and ribbon.

In THE BIRTHDAY PRESENT Patricia Miles Martin has written a warmhearted story of a Kansas boy who came face to face with truth, honor, and love.

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Patricia Miles Martin

Patricia Miles Martin

1899 -1986
PATRICIA MILES MARTIN, who lives in San Mateo, California, is the author of Sylvester Jones and the Voice in the Forest. She spent her childhood on ... See more
Margo Locke

Margo Locke

Margo Locke, who illustrated THE BIRTHDAY PRESENT, is a native Californian. She went to school in Texas and New York and has returned to California ... See more

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Plumfield and Paideia

The Birthday Present
Reviewed by Sara Masarik
The Birthday Present by Patricia Miles Martin is a sweet long-ish picture book that is ideal for any child but boys especially.

Read the full review on Plumfield and Paideia