The Basket of Flowers: A Tale for the Young

Christoph von Schmid
Original title:
Das Blumenkörbchen
Original language:
1864 by Thomas Nelson and Sons
Fiction, Religious Fiction
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Beloved nineteenth-century priest and teacher Christoph von Schmid had a beautiful and engaging way of teaching important moral principles. He believed children learn and cherish these truths best when taught by the examples of relatable and admirable characters.
In this captivating tale, readers come to know honest Mary, with her beautifully woven basket of flowers that both condemns and liberates her. Facing difficult trials, she learns the value of trusting and loving God completely and witnessing the blessings that come when she puts Him before all else.
Adapted from The Good and The Beautiful description
A Basket of Flowers
This very old book is an absolute treasure and one of my favorite books. French priest and teacher Christoph von Schmid began writing books to read to his school children in order to instill Christian values in them...
Read the full review on The Good and the Beautiful Book List
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