The Ballot Box Battle

Emily Arnold McCully
Emily Arnold McCully
1996 by Knopf Books for Young Readers
Biographical Fiction, Biography, Fiction, Historical Fiction, Picture Books
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"No votes for pea-brained females!"
That's what Cordelia's brother shouts. And in 1880, in Tenafly, New Jersey, it's not just his opinion—it's the law. Lucky for Cordelia, she has a most extraordinary neighbor in the person of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the famous leader in the struggle for women's rights.
Mrs. Stanton gives Cordelia riding lessons on her old mare Jule. And on this one special Election Day, she tells her student the heart-wrenching but inspirational tale of how she overcame all obstacles to carry on the fight for equality.
When the wagon comes along to pick up voters and take them to the polls, Mrs. Stanton tries once more to cast her ballot, over the taunts and jeers of the crowd of men.
But it is Cordelia whose dramatic, fearless action leaves her brother—and all the men in Tenafly—with no doubt as to who will win the ballot box battle in the end.
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