The Art of Ancient Peru
Shirley Glubok
1966 by Harper & Row Publishers, Inc
Art, Non-fiction
Shirley Glubok's Art Books for Young Readers
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Shirley Glubok has given thousands of young readers their first penetrating look at outstanding art treasures of the world's great cultures. The New York Times has this to say about her recent book THE ART OF AFRICA: "Another in Shirley Glubok's handsome introductions to the art and craftsmanship of ancient and modern cultures . . . the book is as graceful and visually instructive as any of Miss Glubok's . . . previous volumes."
The author's new nook provides an informative and interesting introduction to ancient Peruvian art. Pictured here are art works ranging from early cultures—the Chavin, Mochica, Masca, Tiahuanaco, and many others—up to the Chimu and Inca Empires, spanning 2,000 years ending with the time of the Spanish conquest. The art of these early cultures unfolds with wondrous examples of pttery; finely woven textiles; superb works in silver, gold, wood, and stone; and massive architecture.
Familiarity with these beautiful objects and the stories behind them helps up to understand civilizations that were thriving in Peru centuries before Columbus.
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