The Aesop for Children (Adaptation)

Milo Winter
Author Unknown
Original author:
1919 by Rand McNally
Anthology, Classic Literature, Fables, Fiction
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Few words of literature are so much a part of our culture as the Fables of Aesop. For more than two thousand years these tales have delighted children and adults. They have endured because they so aptly portray the foolishness and the virtues of mankind. Even small children see the resemblance to certain humans in the sly fox, the proud peacock, the plodding tortoise, the greedy dog, the industrious ants.
Here, gathered in one beautiful volume, are over one hundred of these classic fables, retold simply and effectively for children.
In his nine full-page color illustrations and more than seventy smaller pictures—many in full color—Milo winter, famous illustrator of children's books, has caught the spirit of the stories in some of his most distinguished work.
From the dust jacket of the 1955 edition
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