The ABC Bunny

Wanda Gag
The ABC Bunny by Wanda Gag
Howard Gag, Wanda Gag
1933 by Coward-McCann, Inc.
Fiction, Music, Picture Books
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By virtue of her extraordinary kinship with childhood, whatever Wanda Gág draws for children is new, unusual and fresh. The moment you discover the B is a Bunny, asleep in a nook, and the E stands for Elsewhere, you know you need only turn the page and things will happen. This is no mere A B C—it is a story of actions and suspense and it will hold your interest until you see the adventuresome Bunny safe at home. Wanda Gág made the book for Gary, her small nephew, but all Gary's contemporaries will claim if for their own.
All the illustrations are original lithographs. An A B C song, for which Flavia Gág composed the music, makes up the endpapers. Text hand-lettered by Howard Gág; intials in bright red; 28 full page drawings.
From the dust jacket
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