That Book Woman

Heather Henson
David Small
2008 by Atheneum Books for Young Readers
Fiction, Historical Fiction, Picture Books
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Cal is not the readin' type. Living way high up in the Appalachian Mountains, he'd rather help Pap plow or go out after wandering sheep than try some book learning. Nope. Cal does not want to sit stoney-still reading some chicken scratch. But that Book Woman keeps coming just the same. She comes in the rain. She comes in the snow. She comes right up the side of the mountain, and Cal knows that's not easy riding. And all just to lend his sister some books. Why, that woman must be plain foolish—or is she braver than he ever thought?
That Book Woman is a rare and moving tale that honors a special part of American history—the Pack Horse Librarians, who helped untold numbers of children see the stories amid the chicken scratch, and thus made them into lifetime readers.
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That Book Woman
Reviewed by Diane Pendergraft
"Cal and his family “live way up as up can get” in the mountains of Kentucky, “the onliest school a jillion miles back down the creek.” There is plenty of work to do, and Cal has no use for reading, though his sister Lark would have her nose between the pages of a book all day if their mother would let her.
One day, a woman wearing britches rides up to the house with a saddlebag full of books. Lark acts like it’s a bag full of treasure. Call refuses to be impressed. "
Until the Book Woman comes during a snow storm. What makes her risk getting sick, or worse?
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