Thanksgiving: Feast and Festival

Ralph McDonald
Mildred Corell Luckhardt
1966 by Abingdon Press
Anthology, Fiction, Non-fiction, Poetry
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Long before the Pilgrims settled on the North American shores and set aside a special day for Thanksgiving, other people in other lands at planting time or at harvest had celebrated a day or season of thanksgiving.
In Thanksgiving—Feast and Festival, Mildred Corell Luckhardt has gathered stories, poems, essays, and factual accounts of many thanksgiving customs and traditions cherished by people of this and other ages. In the collection are the thoughts of many writers, set against a wide variety of backgrounds—from Jerusalem to Holland, where the Pilgrims first settled; to North America, north, east, south, and west; from England to Jamaica; and many other places.
In two parts, "The Pilgrims and Thanksgiving" and "Thanksgiving and Harvest Time, Near and Far," this volume presents well-known and beloved material along with new selections destined to become favorites. Here are many moods for many young readers.
From the dust jacket
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