Thanksgiving Day

Robert Merrill Bartlett
W. T. Mars
1965 by Thomas Y. Crowell Company
History, Holiday, Non-fiction
Crowell Holiday Book Members Only
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Giving thanks at harvest time has been a joyful custom among people of many lands for thousands of years. Our country's most famous harvest festival was celebrated in October of 1621, by the Pilgrims of Plymouth and their Indian friends. The first long year in the new world was nearly over, and the settlers rested from their labors and praised God for his kindness to them.
Robert Bartlett's authentic story recounts the adventures of the Pilgrims and give a colorful description of the first Thanksgiving Day.
Lively illustrations by W.T. Mars complete the account of this most traditional of American holidays when, as Governor Bradford's proclamation declared, "we give praise with thankfulness to our good God."
From the dust jacket
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