Strange Travelers

Sigmund Lavine
Gloria Stevens
1960 by Little, Brown & Company
Simultaneously published by:
Little, Brown & Company (Canada)
Nature, Non-fiction, Science
Strange Animals
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Mysteries lurk behind the movements of some of our most familiar animal friends. Whether mammal, bird, insect or fish, their comings and goings are often unique and sometimes unbelievable.
They may travel only a few yards or may range from pole to pole; each journey has a wonderment about it. The migrations of ants are like well-planned military maneuvers. Thousands of them will move in a single file and not one will stray from the route. Lemmings, arctic cousins of rats and mice, solve their problem of overpopulation by marching in pied-piper fashion to the ocean and swimming straight out to sea. Even after years of research no one know how birds and animals came to live on the tiny Pacific islands that are thousands of miles from the mainland.
This is another book of unusual and interesting facts about natural science by Sigmund A. Lavine. Like STRANGE PARTNERS it will bring you a little closer to nature in a book that you can read and understand easily.
From the dust jacket
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