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THE librettos of many of the popular operas included in this small volume, are either so involved, or so different from the sources whence they have been taken, that the uninitiated often find it difficult to gain an intelligent idea of what is taking place on the stage.

The object of these stories is therefore to enable the reader to follow every motion of the singers, and, even if unfamiliar with the language in which the opera is given, to have a fair idea of all that is said and done. For this reason the plots are told in detail, just as they are given, no attempt being made to embellish or modify them in any way. Many of the subjects are trivial, some absurd, and a few so unsavory that one often wishes that the beautiful music were connected with more worthy themes. However, such as these operas are, they are given here, in the hope of enhancing the pleasure of all who hear them.

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H. A. Guerber

H. A. Guerber

1859 - 1929
Hélène Adeline Guerber was a British author and historian known for her work in the subject area of Germanic mythology.... See more

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