St. Valentine's Day

Clyde Robert Bulla
Valenti Angelo
1965 by Thomas Y. Crowell Company
History, Holiday, Non-fiction
Crowell Holiday Book Members Only
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St. Valentine's Day is one of our oldest holidays. This book tells the story of how it began, how the valentines of today came into being, and how the holiday is celebrated.
In ancient Rome a holiday honoring the god Lupercus was celebrated with feasting, games, and dancing. Young men drew names for dancing partners and many a romance began. Even when the Christian religion came to Rome, nobody wanted to give up this happy holiday. Gradually it became linked with the name of a saint who died on February 14. As St. Valentine's Day, the holiday spread to France, England, and later to America.
Mr. Bulla explains how all this came about, and how the valentine had its beginning in the exchange of letters by sweethearts. He also describes our present ways of celebrating St. Valentine's Day.
Drawings by Valenti Angelo capture the special beauty and lightheartedness of a favorite holiday.
From the dust jacket
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