Springtime in Noisy Village

Astrid Lindgren
Ilon Wikland
1966 by Viking Kestrel
Fiction, Picture Books
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Spring comes to Sweden, and what a happy time it is for all seven children who live at the three farms of Noisy Village!
But the fun and excitement and beauty of spring that pigtailed Lisa tells about is not peculiar to Sweden. Little Kerstin mischievously picking mother's garden flower's might well be every baby sister, and Mother is mother everywhere as she exclaims "Are you mad, child!" over some springtime prank.
Children will be captivated by this enchanting book with its delightful details of "thousands of millions" of flowers blooming everywhere, and "calves and piglets and lambs and chickens born all over Noisy Village." The author and artist have captured harmoniously the spirit of the time of year that brings out the best—and sometimes the most unexpected—in all children.
From the dust jacket
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