Snow Treasure

Marie McSwigan
Snow Treasure by Marie McSwigan
Mary A. Reardon
1942 by E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc.
Fiction, Historical Fiction
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Something strange must be afoot. Else why was Uncle Victor home from the sea? Why as the Cleng Peerson, Uncle Victor's boat, hidden snugly in a fjord while he and father held long serious conversations together after the evening meal instead of joining the jolly good times before the fire as they always did when Uncle came home on a visit? Why? This was what bothered Peter Lundstrom, son of the well-to-do banker in the little mountain city of Riswyck, Norway, just as the long bitter winter began to close in.
Then father told Peter. Germany was about to strike. In Father's bank was gold bullion to the tune of $9,000,000. Unless Germany were to snatch it, it must somehow be got out of the country, and the children, with Peter leading them must help! But how? It was a brave thing those boys and girls did, coasting down through the German camp, all winter long, carrying the precious blocks of gold to a cache in the woods. From there the gold was put aboard Uncle Victor's boat and today it is safe in the United States, held here until Norway again is free.
Founded on an actual happening of two winters ago, this is one of the most absorbing stories to come out of the war, and one which boys and girls will enjoy especially knowing that it really happened to children, who, like themselves, love their native land and are willing to take great risks for it.
From the dust jacket
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