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An explorer of our time, Sir Edmund Hillary has fired man's imagination and passion for high adventure. His amazing conquest of Mt. Everest, his strange search for the Abominable Snowman, and his perilous exploration of Antarctica provide richly rewarding and intensely exciting reading.

As a schoolboy in New Zealand, Ed Hillary became fascinated by mountainous reaches of ice and snow. In years of rugged training, he learned to defy hazardous terrain, 100º heat, and cruel blizzards to blaze new trails to the world's highest peaks.

Only might Mt. Everest, towering five and one half miles high, remained defiant and unscaled. Rare courage, physical stamina, and determination qualified Hillary for the attempt to climb where no man had been before and where few would follow.

Faith Knoop dramatically recreates Hillary's victory and tells of his knighthood, his dedication to further expeditions, and his care for the mountain people and children of the Himalayas.

From the dust jacket

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Faith Yingling Knoop

Faith Yingling Knoop

1896 - 1984
Faith Yingling Knoop was born in Elgin, Illinois and brought up in Trenton, New Jersey. Her first writing to appear in print was a "letter to the ed... See more
Elizabeth Minot Graves

Elizabeth Minot Graves

1920 - 2009
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William M. Hutchinson

William M. Hutchinson

1916 - 1997
William (Miller) Hutchinson is a native of Virginia and spent the summers of his childhood at the home of an uncle in the Blue Ridge Mountains. A lo... See more

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