Silver Packages: An Appalachian Christmas Story

Cynthia Rylant
Chris K. Soentpiet
1997 by Orchard Books
Fiction, Holiday, Picture Books
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In Appalachia each Christmas, a boy named Frankie waits beside the tracks for the Christmas Train, which will bring presents to the children who live in coal towns and hollows. Year after year, Frankie hopes that one particular gift—one very special gift—will be tossed to him from that train. And it is this enduring hope that will guide him to the the true meaning of the season.
Cynthia Rylant's story about expectation and the transforming power of kindness first appeared in her acclaimed collection Children of Christmas. Now gloriously illustrated by Chris K. Soentpiet with watercolor paintings of glistening trains and snow-covered hills, it shines all the more brightly.
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Silver Packages: An Appalachian Christmas Story
Reviewed by Jenny Phillips
This is another great book by Cynthia Rylant. In Appalachia, a boy named Frankie waits beside the tracks each year waiting for the train that will bring Christmas gifts to the children...
Read the full review on The Good and the Beautiful Book List
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