Shipwrecked! The True Adventures of a Japanese Boy

Rhoda Blumberg
2001 by HarperCollins
Biography, History, Non-fiction
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Any person who leaves the country to go to another and later returns will be put to death.
In the 1800s, the Japanese government had strict isolation laws. By decree, foreigners and ideas from outside Japan were forbidden. So when fourteen-year-old Manjiro and four other fisherman were shipwrecked on a small rocky island three hundred miles from shore, they wondered if they would ever be allowed to return home!
Celebrated author Rhoda Blumberg regales us with Manjiro's exciting true story. He was the first Japanese person to come to the United States, and his impressions of the country give us vivid glimpses of mid-nineteenth-century American life. He even took part in the Gold Rush!
In a surprising twist of fate, Manjiro became a hero in Japan, playing an important role in opening his country to westerners.
Told here by a brilliant storyteller with a passion for history, Manjiro's biography is a fast-paced, historically accurate, inspiring true-life adventure.
From the dust jacket
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Shipwrecked: The True Adventures of a Japanese Boy
Reviewed by Diane Pendergraft
What a coincidence that this book was donated to my library just as Sara and I were putting the finishing touches on our Kensuke’s Kingdom book club packet, for which we are using this same cover!
In the Author’s Note for Shipwrecked, Blumberg says she became fascinated with Manjiro while doing research for her book about Commodore Perry.
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