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In 1925, while on vacation with his family on the Yorkshire coast, four-year-old Michael Tolkien lost his favorite toy, a little lead dog he was reluctant to put down even to play on the beach. To console and distract him, his father, J.R.R. Tolkien, improvised a story-the story of Rover, a real dog magically transformed into a toy, who, after many fantastic adventures in search of the wizard who wronged him, at last wins back his doggy life. This charming tale, peopled by a terrible dragon and a wise old whale, by the king of the sea and the Man-in-the-Moon, was a Tolkien family favorite and went through several typewritten drafts over the years. In 1936, Tolkien submitted it to his British publishers as a possible follow up to The Hobbit. What his publishers really wanted, however was a sequel, so he set aside this little book to begin his masterwork, The Lord of the Rings.

Now, more than seventy years after it was written, the story of Rover—or, as the Man-in-the-Moon fondly called him, Roverandom—is published at last, together with five illustrations by the author. Rich in wit and wordplay, crowded with thrilling and humorous incident, Roverandom will delight not only Tolkien's countless admirers but anyone who loves a rollicking yarn well told.

From the dust jacket

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J. R. R. Tolkien

J. R. R. Tolkien

(Pronounced Toll-keen or Toel-keen)
1892 - 1973
J.R.R. Tolkien was born in 1892 in Bloemfontein, South Africa, but came to England with his mother at the age of three and a half. After serving in ... See more
Wayne Hammond

Wayne Hammond

1953 -
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Christina Scull

Christina Scull

1942 -
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Dog Journeys: Roverandom by JRR Tolkien
Reviewed by Sherry Early
Roverandum by JRR Tolkien, of hobbit fame, began as a bedtime story for Tolkien’s sons to explain and console them for the loss of a toy dog on the beach. In the story Roverandom was once a real live dog, turned into a small toy by an irascible wizard. When Roverandom is lost on the beach, another, more benevolent wizard can’t undo the first wizard’s curse, but he can send Roverandom on a journey . . .

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Plumfield and Paideia

Reviewed by Sara Masarik
Reading this again last month, I was struck with envy and awe: the Tolkien children had JRR Tolkien as their dad! This phenomenal subcreator of Middle Earth blessed readers everywhere with his wildly imaginative stories, but while he lectured at Oxford, drank with CS Lewis, and published stories about a world that seems real to so many of us, he came home at night and lavished his love on Michael, Priscilla, Christopher and John Tolkien. I cannot help but feel some envy for the souls who got to call him Daddy and get lost in his storytelling on a regular basis.

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