Book Guide

The earth is always changing. Rocks and minerals are being formed; sand and gravel are moving about; islands are appearing and disappearing; land is eroding and changing location.

Conducting the experiments in Rocks and Rills will help you to understand why and how these geologic changes occur. A few simple household materials and a spirit of scientific inquiry can lead to some surprising conclusions.

What makes a rock fracture? Perhaps frying a marble will help you find out. What is superposition and how does it occur? A big bowl of red and green jello might well provide the answer. Be a true scientist and experiment for yourself!

From the dust jacket
A. Harris Stone

A. Harris Stone

1934 -
A. Harris Stone was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from West Chester State College and his M.S. and ... See more
Dale Ingmanson

Dale Ingmanson

1938 -
Dale Ingmanson received his Ed.D from the University of Florida and is now a Joint Assistant Professor of Science Education and Geology at Southern ... See more
Peter P. Plasencia

Peter P. Plasencia

1926 - 1990
Peter P. Plasencia majored in industrial design at Pratt Institute and studied at the Meschini Institute in Rome and the Art Students League in New ... See more

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