Rocks and Rills: A Look at Geology
Dale Ingmanson, A. Harris Stone

Dale Ingmanson, A. Harris Stone
Peter P. Plasencia
1967 by Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Science Inquiry Project Series Members Only (Geology)
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The earth is always changing. Rocks and minerals are being formed; sand and gravel are moving about; islands are appearing and disappearing; land is eroding and changing location.
Conducting the experiments in Rocks and Rills will help you to understand why and how these geologic changes occur. A few simple household materials and a spirit of scientific inquiry can lead to some surprising conclusions.
What makes a rock fracture? Perhaps frying a marble will help you find out. What is superposition and how does it occur? A big bowl of red and green jello might well provide the answer. Be a true scientist and experiment for yourself!
From the dust jacket
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