Proud as a Peacock, Brave as a Lion

Jane Barclay
Renné Benoit
2009 by Tundra Books
Fiction, Holiday, Picture Books
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I help Poppa fasten the medal above the pocket of his blazer. Sometimes his hands shake, so he needs to borrow mine. He smiles as he gives me a poppy to pin on my jacket.
A gentle and caring grandpa answers his grandson's questions about what it was like to serve in the war. As the two make a game of preparing for a memorial service, the child comes to understand the importance of the solemn occasion and the act of remembering.
Proud as a Peacock, Brave as a Lion is a special book that will put very young readers on the path to remembrance and lasting appreciation for those who sacrificed and risked their lives in service to their country.
From the dust jacket
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