Pouring Iron: A Foundry Ghost Story

David L. Weitzman
David L. Weitzman
1998 by Houghton Mifflin Company
Fiction, History, Non-fiction, Picture Books
How They Were Built by David Weitzman
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Howard loves to visit his grandparents in Sutter Creek, California. Nestled deep in the sierra foothills, the old mining town provides a glimpse of the Gold Rush days. One can almost see the prospectors galloping down the hill, their saddlebags filled with gold nuggets, or feel the heat of a pour day at the water-powered iron foundry, where equipment was made to accommodate the rush to mine gold from the hills.
The old Knight Foundry is Howard's favorite building on Eureka Street. Built around 1873, the foundry still operates today. Invited inside the heavy rolling doors, Howard meets iron men of the past and present who show him their craft: how patterns are created, molds are made, and molten iron is poured into shapes to make everything from huge water wheels to delicate machinery parts.
Seen through the eyes of a modern-day apprentice, this fascinating look at one of America's earliest foundry machine shops provides readers with a wealth of information. Engineering, design, history, and a few ghosts come together to illuminate a disappearing art form. David Weitzman's skilled pencil illustrations bring the historic Knight Foundry to life in his tribute to the enduring traditions of craftsmanship and industry that survive in this unique workplace.
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Pouring Iron
Reviewed by Jack
A Plumfield Kids book review by Jack, age 12
David Weitzman's picture book Pouring Iron is about a foundry and a boy who, every time he goes to visit his grandparents, walks past a foundry and looks in, but it's always too dark and dusty to see a thing. David Weitzman writes picture books about young people growing up in a trade that will become their life's work. This particular book is on the business of ironworking.
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