PoPo's Lucky Chinese New Year

Virginia Loh-Hagan
Renné Benoit
2017 by Sleeping Bear Press
Fiction, Holiday, Picture Books, World Cultures
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When PoPo, her Chinese grandmother, comes to visit, a young Chinese-American girl learns about the customs and beliefs of celebrating Chinese New Year.
PoPo says Chinese New Year is a time for new beginnings. Making sure the family has a lucky new year is serious business and she's here to help.
Luck doesn't come easily. It requires a lot of hard work. Did you know that people spend 15 days preparing and then 15 days celebrating Chinese New Year?
But it's not all fun and games. There are a lot of rules. . .
Do not wash your hair on New Year's Day.
. . .and a lot of preparations. . .
Sweep out the bad luck (dirt) before the New Year comes.
There's so much to do! But with PoPo's help, this should be a very lucky Chinese New Year!
From the dust jacket
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