Patrick: Patron Saint of Ireland

Tomie dePaola
Tomie dePaola
1992 by Holiday House
Biography, Holiday, Picture Books
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Patrick was born into a noble family and grew up in Britain, near the Irish Sea. When he was a young boy, a group of bandits captured him, took him to Ireland, and sold him as a slave. For the next six years, Patrick worked as a shepherd. He spent much of his time in prayer, and his faith in God grew strong. Then one night he heard a voice that told him to return to "his own country". Patrick left Ireland. He traveled first to France, then to Britain, and finally back to Ireland, since another voice encouraged him to "come and walk among us again." Now a bishop, Patrick established the first church in the Emerald Isle. He converted thousands of Irish people to the Christian faith, risking his life and facing danger many times along the way. On March 17, 461 Patrick died. After his death, he was made a saint.
In words and pictures, Tomie dePaola tells the story of Patrick's life and includes several of the best-known legends about him. Some people say that St. Patrick go rid of all the snakes in Ireland by beating a drum that scared them into the sea. Others claim that he turned a cruel ruler into a fox.
Tomie says that his Irish mother, Flossie Downey dePaola, has been after him for years to remember Ireland's patron saint with a book. He is happy to have finally done so.
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