Patrick of Ireland

Wilma Pitchford Hays
Peter Burchard
1970 by Coward-McCann, Inc.
Biography, Non-fiction
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Patrick stopped fishing and stared at the sky. The red glow reflected there looked like fire and it seemed to be coming from the direction of his home. Patrick ran toward the flames, He had heard of the Irish raiders who terrorized settlements on the coast of England and carried off captives to sell as slaves.
Patrick was captured by the raiders and taken to Ireland. There he was sold to a wealthy chieftain. For many years he lived alone on a mountainside, tending sheep and swine. At last he escaped and returned home, to stay forever, he thought. But in the lonely time in Ireland, he had come to know and love God, and now he found that God was calling him to do a special task. He must return to Ireland and bring Christianity to the Irish pagans.
How Patrick fulfills his mission and becomes the greatly beloved patron saint of Ireland is an exciting and inspiring story—a story that really happened.
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