Papa Panov's Special Day (Adaptation)

Mig Holder
Papa Panov's Special Christmas by Ruben Saillens
Julie Downing
Leo Tolstoy
Originally written by French author Reuben Saillens
2002 by Tyndale House Publishers
Fiction, Historic Tales and Legends, Holiday, Picture Books
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It's Christmas Day, and Papa Panov, the lonely old shoemaker, is waiting for a special visitor. Things don't turn out at all as he had expected...but by the end of the day the sparkle is back behind his little round spectacles.
This classic folk tale was adapted by Leo Tolstoy from the French original. In this new edition, Mig Holder's charming retelling and Julie Downing's delightful illustrations combine to enchant a new generation of readers.
From the dust jacket
Originally written by French author Reuben Saillens and later retold by Leo Tolstoy, this endearing story has now acquired the status of a folk-tale. The heart-warming story of lonely shoemaker Papa Panov's generosity reflects the true spirit of Christmas. Mig Holder's much loved text is complemented by charming illustrations by Julie Downing which capture the changing mood of the story.
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