Ox-Cart Man

Donald Hall
Barbara Cooney
1979 by Viking Press Inc
Picture Books
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In October he backed his ox into his cart and he and his family filled it up with everything they made or grew all year long that was left over.
Thus begins a lyrical journey through the days and weeks, the months, and the changing seasons in the life of one New Englander and his family. The ox-cart man packs his goods—the wool from his sheep, the shawl his wife made, the mittens his daughter knitted, and the linen they wove. he packs the birch brooms his son carved, and even a bag of goose feathers from the barnyard geese.
He travels over hills, through valleys, by streams, past farms and villages. At Portsmouth Market he sells his goods, one by one—even his beloved ox. Then, with his pockets full of coins, he wanders through the market, buying provisions for his family, and returns to his home. And the cycle begins again.
Donald Hall has created a gentle story, evoking a quiet time in American life that is irrevocably past. Using a special method which resembles the early American technique of painting on wood, Barbara Cooney has captured the sense of peace of early nineteenth century New England and the bustle of Portsmouth Market.
From the dust jacket
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RAR Special Edition Revisited: The Woman Who Gave Us Miss Rumphius
Released in 2022 by Read-Aloud Revival
Available formats: Streaming Audio
Length: 29 min.
View on the Read-Aloud Revival site
Barbara Cooney was a gift to the world, and in this special edition podcast, I want to introduce you to the woman behind these magnificent books.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
- how this mother of four managed to illustrate over 100 books
- stories about what it was like growing up with Barbara as a mother (listen in for roosters in the kitchen and mice in the car!)
- how Barbara made sure her legacy and love for books would continue after her death in 2000
Ox-Cart Man
Reviewed by Jenny Phillips
This classic children’s book follows one New England man through different seasons of the year. It is packed with educational value and has wonderful illustrations...
Read the full review on The Good and the Beautiful Book List
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