On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein

Jennifer Berne
Vladimir Radunsky
2013 by Chronicle Books
Biography, Non-fiction, Picture Books
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A boy rides a bicycle down a dusty road. But in his mind he imagines himself traveling at a speed beyond imagining, on a beam of light.
In that brilliant mind will one day be born some of the most revolutionary ideas ever conceived. From a boy endlessly distracted by the wonder of the world, Albert Einstein grew into a man who would embody genius, and would shine a profound light on our understanding of our universe.
Jennifer Berne and Vladimir Radunsky invite the reader to travel along with Einstein, on a journey full of curiosity, laughter, and science that shows the powerful difference imagination can make in any life.
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The Secret Lives of Scientists
Reviewed by Janie Cheaney
Despite the title, this is not a story of Einstein; it’s the story, from birth and toddlerhood and unremarkable school career to revolutionizing the study of physics....
On a Beam of Light
For today’s curious children, this intriguing and accessible blend of words and pictures will provide a splendid...