Nurse Matilda

Christianna Brand
Edward Ardizzone Information you may want to know about this author
1964 by Brockhampton Press, London
Fantasy, Fiction, Humor
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'The person you want is Nurse Matilda,' they said to Mr. and Mrs. Brown, who were always having great difficulty with their numerous and incredibly naughty children.
What happens when Nurse Matilda does arrive makes remarkable telling . . .
When Christianna Brand was a child she looked like this; and when she was a child her grandfather used to tell her this story. It has been passed on from generation to generation in the family, and now she presents it in her own words, with the help of drawings be her equally famous cousin Edward Ardizzone (seen here as a boy) who also remembers it being told to him when he was young.
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Nurse Matilda
Reviewed by Sara Masarik
This 1964 children’s novel is likely set in Victorian England and is strikingly similar to Mary Poppins. In my opinion, Nurse Matilda is more friendly, more whimsical and more enjoyable than its more famous “cousin,” Mary Poppins. Popular at the time of writing, there is a weird dream sequence at the end that borders on brooding. I could do without it but it is not a deal breaker for my enjoyment of the book overall. Where Mary Poppins is a bit dark and unsettling, Nurse Matilda stays pretty light.
Nurse Matilda
Entirely Victorian in style, this was a family story reclaimed from oblivion by the well-known author of adult mysteries....
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