Nian: The Chinese New Year Dragon (Adaptation)

The Origin of Lunar New Year and the Legend of Nian
Timothy Banks
Virginia Loh-Hagan
2019 by Sleeping Bear Press
Fiction, Folk Tales, Holiday
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Mei hates springtime. Why?
Because it's only in the spring that Nian, a fierce dragon, is able to leave his mountain prison under the sea to terrorize the local village. When the villagers hear the rumblings of Nian's hungry stomach, they know that winter has ended and spring is coming.
But this year, on the night before the first day of spring, a magical warrior visits Mei in her dreams. He tells Mei that it is her destiny to face and defeat Nian. But she must do it within fifteen days—or the dragon will be free forever.
Author Viriginia Loh-Hagan (Popo's Lucky Chinese New Year) gives this retelling of the Nian legend an original twist, while explaining the origins of Chinese New Year traditions. Timothy Bank's masterful artwork brings the story to vivid life.
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