My Red Balloon

Eve Bunting
Kay Life
2005 by Boyds Mills Press
Fiction, Military, Picture Books
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The boy has ben waiting for this day for many months. It's the day his daddy comes home from overseas. He jumps out of bed and gets ready for the big event. But before going downstairs for breakfast, he takes along something very important: his red balloon. There will be many families and loved ones at the pier. The red balloon will help his father find him among the crowd.
When the boy and his mother get to the pier, they find parents waiting for daughters and sons, and children waiting for mommies and daddies. Suddenly, the crowd gives up a rousing cheer as the big ship approaches the harbor. The boy can see sailors standing on the deck. Could one of them be his daddy? But as the ship approaches, the boy loses his grip on the red balloon. Will his daddy find him in the crowd?
Eve Bunting's endearing story is lovingly illustrated by Kay Life and captures that special moment when a family is reunited after months of separation.
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