Mrs. Appleyard's Kitchen

Louise Andrews Kent
Complete Authored Works
1942 by Houghton Mifflin Company
Adult Fiction, Cookbooks, Fiction
Mrs. Appleyard Stories and Cookbooks Members Only
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Many readers of 'Mrs. Appleyard's Year,' the author's bestseller of last fall, dwelt with mouthwatering enthusiasm on those passages of the book that dealt with food. It may truly be said that the new book has been written 'in response to popular demand!' Mrs. Appleyard's ideas about things to eat—their selection, their preparation, and especially the proper mental and social attitudes toward them—are set forth with the charm, the humor, the good sense and good taste ('taste' is a notably appropriate word) that characterized the earlier record of that American matron.
'Mrs. Appleyard's Kitchen' is, first of all, a book to be read. Everyone—man or woman—who liked 'Mrs. Appleyard's Year' will like this. It is also an exceedingly practical volume, with accurate, carefully planned receipts for the special dishes that have the true Appleyard flavor, receipts that will send any woman to the kitchen with a new vision of the fun of cooking.
From the dust jacket
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