Monstrous: The Lore, Gore, and Science Behind Your Favorite Monsters

Carlyn Beccia
Carlyn Beccia
2019 by Carolrhoda Books, Inc
Classical Horror, Fiction, History, Math, Science, Science Fiction
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Some of them lurch out of laboratories. Others terrorize entire cities. And still others want to eat your brrraaaaiiiiins!
Carlyn Beccia presents werewolves, vampires, zombies, and more as you've never seen them. Discover the origins of eight scream-worthy monsters, find out how major historical events shaped their creation, and delve into the science behind these fearful beasts. Engrossing (and gross!) timelines, maps, and infographics offer essential information—including the zombie virus life cycle and how to survive Godzilla's nuclear breath.
Bursting with blood, guts, history, and science, this book is a must-have for monster lovers of all ages.
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