Molly's Pilgrim

Barbara Cohen
Michael J. Deraney
1983 by Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co, Inc
Fiction, Historical Fiction, Picture Books
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Jol-ly Mol-ly,
Your eyes are awf'ly small.
Jol-ly Mol-ly,
Your nose is awf'ly tall.The girls in third grade laugh at Molly and make fun of her imperfect English and old-country clothes. Molly wants to go back to Russia, but her mother reminds her that the Cossacks had burned the synagogue in Goraduk and might have burned them too if they hadn't come to America. "May the Cossacks grow like onions, with their heads in the ground," Molly's mama says.
Molly thinks she will never belong, until the day she brings Mama's Pilgrim doll to school for the class's Thanksgiving project. It's then that she realizes "it takes all kinds of Pilgrim's to make a Thanksgiving."
This touching story, lovingly told and superbly illustrated, is based on a true incident experienced by a member of Barbara Cohen's family.
From the dust jacket
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Molly's Pilgrim
This short book (28 pages) tells the story of a young Russian Jewish immigrant, Molly, who is teased when she comes to America because she talks and dresses differently than the other kids...
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