Martin's Big Words

Doreen Rappaport
Bryan Collier
2001 by Hyperion Books for Children
Biography, Non-fiction, Picture Books
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When Martin was growing up he saw the signs WHITE ONLY everywhere in his hometown. Every time he read the words he felt bad.
Until he remembered what his mother told him:
"You are as good as anyone."
Doreen Rappaport weaves her words and the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. into a captivating narrative to tell the story of Dr. King's life. The text is graceful, simple, and completely accessible for young readers: a chronology and bibliography offer other resources for exploring the life of this great American. Illustrated with stunning collage art by acclaimed artist Bryan Collier, Martin's Big Words is an unforgettable portrait of a man whose dream changed America, and the world, forever.
From the dust jacket
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