Maggie Rose: Her Birthday Christmas

Ruth Sawyer
Maurice Sendak
1952 by Harper & Row Publishers, Inc
Fiction, Holiday, Read Aloud
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Eight-going-on-nine-year-old Maggie Rose, who was born on the night before Christmas and named after a real live princess, is on of "those Bunkers", a lazy and shiftless family who live in a dilapidated shack on the wrong side of the Point, a resort spot near Bangor, Maine, and are known to one and all as the laziest, laughingest, singingest family for miles around. Tim and Liz Bunker and their brood of seven children are without an ambition in the world and prefer to lean generously on the charity of their neighbors rather than go out and work. Only Maggie Rose ever wishes for something a little better; most especially, she wishes that just for once there was enough money for "those Bunkers" to have a wonderful birthday Christmas celebration all of their own.
In spite of their faults "those Bunkers" have a fine feeling for the important things in life and they all recognize Maggie Rose as something special, someone who might have come out of the top bureau drawer, had they had a bureau drawer. So when tragedy threatens Maggie Rose, "those Bunkers" are finally jolted out of their kitchen chairs, and in an unprecedented move they rally together and determinedly set about making Maggie Rose's dream come true.
"Ruth Sawyer's unfailing magic . . . brings smiles and tears to her readers. . . . There's the feel of Maine and Maine people in the telling—the author has a gift for absorbing local idiom, for telling a story out of the hearts of her characters". —Virginia Kirkus Bookshop Service
Maurice Sendak's has illustrated the story delicately and charmingly with 26 black and white drawings.
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