
Matt de la Peña
Loren Long
2018 by G.P. Putnam's Sons
Fiction, Picture Books
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In the beginning there is light and two wide-eyed figures standing near the foot of your bed, and the sound of their voices is love.
LOVE is the melody that follows us through each and every day of our lives. Whether it's the sound of our parents' voices lulling us to sleep, the joyful laughter of an uncle's latest tall tale, or the warm embrace of a loved one telling us everything will be okay, it's a feeling that takes countless forms and ultimately connects us all.
In this stirring celebration of love, Newbery Medal—winning author Matt de la Pena and best selling illustrator Loren Long depict the many ways we experience this universal bond. With heartfelt illustrations and a soothing, lyrical text, this tender tale is a needed comfort and a new classic that will resonate with readers of every age.
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