Lost Colony: The Mystery of Roanoke Island

Jean Bothwell
Edward F. Cortese
1953 by John C. Winston Company
Adventure, Fiction, Historical Fiction, History, Non-fiction
Winston Adventure Books
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One of the most tantalizing mysteries in the history of America is the fate of the more than one hundred persons who vanished from the colony of Roanoke back in 1587. For more than three hundred years the solution has puzzled, fascinated and eluded historians and scientists. Out of the maze of speculation comes this tale of the founding of that ill-fated colony.
The story revolves around young Humphrey Hall, fourteen-year-old runaway who joins the expedition to seek adventure and land in the New World. How a scheming traitor who plotted for Spain casts the pioneers ashore on the tiny island of Roanoke, off the wind-swept coast of North Carolina, and leaves them as targets for Indian retaliation, is a story of rising tension and excitement. The haunting words of a dying man—"beware the Spanish...they'll send a ship," and the fierce threat of an Indian savage—"we will push you into the sea"—join forces to envelop the reader in a mystery more alarming, more incredible, more provocative than fiction.
Lost Colony is one of the WINSTON ADVENTURE BOOKS—a series of tales based on the little-known incidents and nearly forgotten lives of unsung heroes that helped shape history. Each book—with all the entertainment value of a good novel—tells a story that is fresh, and, though not adequately covered in histories, has been thoroughly documented and is authentic in every detail.
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