Life in a Bucket of Soil

Richard Rhine
Elsie Wrigley
1972 by Lothrop, Lee & Shepherd Books
Nature, Non-fiction, Science
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Though soil teems with life, little is known about tiny soil creatures.
Richard Rhine fully describes the soil inhabitants we would find in the average backyard, telling us how they live, breed, interreact, their methods of locomotion, feeding, and defense, and how they affect the soil they live in.
The author suggests methods of collecting soil creatures like beetles, slugs, snails, earthworms, springtails, spiders, mites, centipedes, and millipedes, and explains how they can be kept and studies.
A science teacher in New York City, Mr. Rhine believes research in this area can yield important knowledge to science.
This is a fascinating book about a world most people never think about, but which vitally affects their lives.
From the dust jacket
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