Letters of Thanks

Manghanita Kempadoo
The Twelve Days of Christmas
Helen Oxenbury
1969 by Collins (London)
Fiction, Holiday, Humor, Picture Books
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On the first day of Christmas, Lady Huntington received a “dear little partridge in a pear tree” from her true love, Lord Gilbert. More gifts arrived each day, but what does one do with six hissing geese, seven swans and eight cows? By the twelfth day and the twelfth quite unusual present, Lady Huntington fled to London and crossed Lord Gilbert off her list forever.
A hilarious parody of the old carol The Twelve Days of Christmas, these letters of thanks were written by an eleven year old girl and illustrated by Helen Oxenbury with pictures that provide the perfect counterpoint to this delightful spoof.
From the dust jacket of the first American edition
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