Last Stop on Market Street

Matt de la Peña
Christian Robinson
2015 by G.P. Putnam's Sons
Fiction, Picture Books
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On Sundays, CJ and his nana ride the bus across town to their stop on Market Street. But today, CJ's not happy about it. Today, he's wondering out loud why they have to wait in the rain and why they don't have a car like his other friends. But it's Nana who opens young CJ's eyes and shows him the real beauty in the world around them—the spirit of the bustling city, the music in everyday life, and the magic of their often overlooked neighbors.
From award-winning talents Matt de la Peña and Christian Robinson comes a brilliant celebration of the love between a grandmother and her grandson.
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Last Stop on Market Street
Reviewed by Sherry Early
So, this book was lauded, honored, and awarded to pieces. And I can see why. The plot is simple: C.J. and his nana leave church on Sunday morning and travel across town on the bus to their stop on Market Street.
Caldecott Medal and Honor Books 2016
Reviewed by Sandy Hall
I love the comradery of this little boy and his grandmother. He asks so many questions! I know how that is, living with three little grandsons.
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