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Lassie is Joe's prize collie and constant companion. But when Joe's father loses his job, Lassie must be sold. Three times she escapes from her new owner, and three times she returns, until finally she is taken to the remotest part of Scotland—too far a journey for any dog to make alone.

But Lassie is not any dog.

Lassie Come-Home was a publishing phenomenon when it appeared as a short story in 1938 and then as a novel in 1940. Now, Rosemary Wells and Susan Jeffers have crafted Eric Knight's original novel into a powerful new edition, written and illustrated especially for young readers. Through masterful storytelling and deeply affecting art, they take us back to a Lassie before Hollywood, before TV, and introduce this unforgettable, heartrending tale to the minds and imaginations of a new generation of readers.

From the dust jacket
Rosemary Wells

Rosemary Wells

1943 -
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Susan Jeffers

Susan Jeffers

1942 - 2020
Susan Jeffers is one of only a few illustrators who have been on the adult New York Times bestseller list. She has won the ABBY from the Americ... See more

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Kirkus Reviews

Lassie Come-Home
Eric Knights 1940 classic started out a short story; here Wells and Jeffers (Waiting For The Evening Star, 1993) bring it back to that length, enhanced with solemn, elegant artwork....

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