Lassie Come Home

Eric Knight
Marguerite Kirmse
1940 by The John C. Winston Company
Animal Story, Fiction
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Here is a great dog story!
This is one of the most poignant, yet thoroughly realistic dog stories of the past decade. It is the yarn of Lassie, the prize dog of a humble household, who is sold to a wealthy family when hard times befall her original owners. Yet dogs cannot reckon monetary wealth—they honor their masters for other things than this.
So Lassie, taken hundreds of miles away, does what many collies have done before her. She starts for home so that, as in the year before, she can be faithful to a duty—that of meeting a boy by a schoolhouse gate.
There is nothing epic in Eric Knight's story of this dog and the saga of its weary trek, guided only by instinct. It is told with profound understanding in moving prose.
The author's understanding of dogs is no less than his knowledge of the background in which this story is set. It rings with authentic touches, bringing in characters that come to life with clarity. Thus this story is no less one of a courageous dog than of a patient, courageous people.
MARGUERITE KIRMSE, famous the world over for her delightful drawings and etchings of dogs, has illustrated LASSIE COME-HOME with a warm, understanding heart so that her illustrations blend into the spirit of the text in perfect harmony. Truly, this is a superb book that dog lovers will cherish both for the text and the pictures.
From the dust jacket
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