Lafayette: French-American Hero

Claire Huchet Bishop
Complete Authored Works
Maurice Brevannes
Mary C. Austin
1960 by Garrard Publishing Company
Biography, Non-fiction
Garrard's Discovery Biographies Members Only (Statesmen)
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The exciting adventures of Lafayette's early life are described in vivid settings of medieval castles and the gay, busy life of Paris.
Brave, fearless and generous, Lafayette was immediately sympathetic with the colonists when he heard of the American Revolution. He bought a ship and sailed for America to offer his help. Young children will delight in the story of the "boy general," who was a hero at twenty.
Lafayette helped the cause of freedom not only in America but also later in France. And he helped develop the warm friendship between the two countries.
French-American friendship has a special lived-out meaning for the author, Claire Bishop. This well-known storyteller, lecturer, and children's writer was born in France but now makes her home in New York.
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