Korean Celebrations: Festivals, Holidays and Traditions

Tina Cho
Farida Zaman
2019 by Tuttle Publishing
Holiday, Picture Books, Reference, World Cultures
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Korean Celebrations takes young readers through season after season of holidays and festivals and explains how some of these holidays began, why they're important and how people celebrate them. It tells of how special moments like birthdays and weddings are celebrated as well. Vibrant watercolors bring all these celebrations to life.
Kids will learn about:
From the dust jacket
- Seollal—The New Yaer's celebration that's three days long and full of special meals, traditional hanbok clothing, games and presents
- Dano—Celebrating the end of the planting seasons with fun competitions like wrestling and swinging contests
- Chuseok—The celebration that gives thanks for a good harvest and is celebrated with lots of good food
- Children's Day—A spring day off from school, when parents take their kids out for a day of fun
- And many more wonderful holidays and festivals
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