Jotham's Journey

Arnold Ytreeide
Illustrations by Hile Illustration and Design
1997 by Servant Publications
Biblical Fiction, Fiction, Holiday, Read Aloud
Jotham's Journey Christmas Series
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Over and over Jotham screamed for his family, but there was no one to hear him. They had vanished. He was alone. Where had they gone? How long ago had they left? Through quick, stabbing sobs Jotham told himself, I must look for my family. I must search until I find them. Thus begins Jotham's Journey.
In one of the most exciting Advent stories you will ever read, follow ten-year-old Jotham across Israel as he searches for his family. Hold your breath when he faces thieves, robbers, and kidnappers. Rejoice in his encounters with wise men, shepherds, and innkeepers until at last he finds his way to the Savior born in Bethlehem.
Jotham's Journey is more than just a storybook. Sidebars about Advent help readers understand the historical and spiritual significance of this beautiful season. Each installment of this easy-to-use Advent devotional also includes:
- The ongoing story of Jotham's journey
- A devotional thought
- A prayer
- Instruction for lighting the Advent candles
Arnold Ytreeide carefully weaves the story of Jotham's journey together with scriptural insights that lead family members to an understanding of the great gift God gave us in his Son. He also challenges us to emulate Christ in all we do and say.
This helpful book includes:
- A portion of the story for every day of Advent, including Christmas day.
- An Advent calendar schedule from the current time to the year 2058.
- Specific instructions for making an Advent wreath.
- The symbolism of the candles.
With this book you will begin a rich tradition of nativity celebration in your household!
From the dust jacket
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