Inside-Out Grandma: A Hanukkah Story

Joan Rothenberg
Joan Rothenberg
1995 by Hyperion Books for Children
Fiction, Holiday, Picture Books
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"Grandma," said Rosie, "do you know that you have your clothes on inside out?"
Grandma certainly does! For that is her special way of reminding herself to buy the oil to fry her famous potato latkes for Hanukkah.
"But how does wearing inside-out clothes remind you to do that?" asks Rosie.
Well, inside-out clothes remind Grandma of her son, Rosie's father, which in turn reminds her of how much her son looks like Rosie's Grandpa Reuben. And that reminds her of...
Author and illustrator Joan Rothenberg weaves a funny, loving tale of the hubbub surrounding the preparations for family holiday celebrations—and even includes a recipe for making latkes of your own!
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